Modern Slavery Statement

Last Updated: 28 November 2023

This statement is made in accordance with the reporting requirement outlined in Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“Act”). It sets out the steps that Fora (“the company”, “us”, “we”, “our”) has taken and will take to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chain.


Fora believes that human rights are an absolute and universal standard. The company is opposed to all forms of slavery, human trafficking, forced labour or child labour and will not do business with any organisation that it believes is involved in these activities.

Fora has a number of policies that are relevant and which aim to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. These include:

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy – which confirms our commitment to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, requires staff to carry out due diligence of suppliers and engage in training.

Ethics Code – which confirms our commitment to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, requires staff to carry out due diligence of suppliers and engage in training.

Whistleblowing Policy – which encourages staff to report concerns including any related to modern slavery/trafficking and child or forced labour. This includes the provision of an anonymous third-party Whistleblowing Helpline.

Human Rights Policy – which includes a specific commitment to adhere to the provisions of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article Four of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights specifically prohibits slavery and the slave trade in all their forms.


Fora educates its staff to recognise the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. Through our training, employees (particularly in parts of the business which manage our supply chain) are encouraged to identify and report any potential breaches of the Act or suspicions of slavery and human trafficking within the Fora supply chain. Fora liaises with and engages third parties, e.g. law firms and e-learning providers, to assist in the training of its employees regarding modern slavery and human trafficking.

Outsourcing and third-party Supply Policy

Fora is committed to making sure that we have a robust and well managed outsourced and third-party supplier network, including all casual labour suppliers we use (e.g. cleaners and security). However, we are aware that outsourcing and using third-party suppliers will also bring with it certain risks and responsibilities. Accordingly, we actively manage outsourcing and third-party supply arrangements across the company – this includes carrying out due diligence on third-party suppliers (including reputational and compliance checks, and asking them to complete a business questionnaire), questioning them during the procurement phase, and obliging our suppliers contractually to comply with the Act.


Fora will not provide services to businesses that are conducting activities that are associated with slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, or child labour. Fora will immediately discontinue the provision of services to customers it discovers are involved in or support any of these activities.

Risk and response

Fora considers that the risk of slavery, human trafficking, or child labour taking place within its business and its supply chain is low. We attribute this largely to our industry as well as the policies and procedures we have in place. However, we will continue to monitor our supply chain including having regard to any significant changes concerning our suppliers. If there are any suspicions of activity that is contrary to the Act, Fora will investigate and take appropriate action.

Future plans

Fora recognises its responsibility to ensure that its policies and systems exclude slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and child labour from the business on an ongoing basis. The company will review its procedures, including staff training, to ensure that these issues will be continuously addressed in line with the requirements of the Act and good business practice.


The directors and senior management of Fora are ultimately responsible for:

  • Implementing this statement.
  • Providing adequate resources and investment to minimise the risk of human slavery and trafficking taking place within the business and its supply chain.
  • Ensuring that the company’s approach is regularly reviewed.
  • Ensuring that the commitments outlined in this statement are adhered to.

Review, publication and feedback

This statement is dated 28th November 2023 and will be reviewed and published annually. Fora welcomes feedback from its stakeholders concerning this statement. This can be submitted to us by emailing [email protected].